The Australian Academy Collaborates with the Australian College of Kuwait to Organize an Electronic Camp

The Australian Academy (AA), in collaboration with the School of Engineering at the Australian College of Kuwait (ACK), organized an electronic camp for high school students, which covered subjects including engineering, mathematics and interior design, as a part of its efforts to help the youth of Kuwait reach their full potential.
The camp was held to give high school students an opportunity to delve into the world of engineering and design while staying safe at home and exploring major disciplines such as: Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Math and Interior Design, in an easy and unconventional way. The main aim was to help students to build confidence and excitement by participating in activities and real-life applications through a rich online platform.
Students who took part in the Mechanical Engineering E-Camp were introduced to basic concepts of the Mechanical Engineering discipline. During the camp, the students experienced a journey from deep sea to outer space through vehicles designed with the help of Mechanical Engineering. The difference between science and engineering was also explicated and Mechanical Engineering was explored in a fun and hands-on way.
With regards to the Electrical Engineering E-Camp, participants were able to design electric circuits using an advanced software. The participants were able to design a filter to detect a desired radio frequency, a gas detector, an electric piano, potato/lemon battery, simple vending machine for four slots and traffic light simulator. Participants were also able to design using one of the top simulation software; a security system, a circuit that controls a buzzer, a football game, and an anti-theft system all using basic logic gates. In the topic of Programming, participants were able to design and write programs using one of the most famous compilers.
As for the Math Wizard E-Camp, students worked on developing the required skills in mathematics for engineering and business students through e-learning via the Microsoft Teams platform.
Lastly, when it came to the Interior Design E-Camp, participants were taught to read floor plans, understand the importance of standards and space planning, and received the opportunity to explore design styles, colors, and furniture.
At the end of the camp, participants were able to get introduced to different fields of engineering that opened their insights to a field of study they may decide to enroll in in the future. Moreover, participants learned hard and soft skills that will be useful to them in their current studies at high school. As a result of the turnout of many students who took the initiative to register, and what was seen from the enthusiasm of the students and their positive interaction during the e-camp, AA and ACK are currently studying the option of proposing future summer camp to a large target segment.
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